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徐安明,20207月于中国科学院微生物研究所获得理学博士学位。主要从事细菌生物被膜工程化应用相关的研究。基于对细菌生物被膜的形成与瓦解机制的认识,构建智能化生物被膜底盘细胞,应用于工业发酵、生物催化、生物活体功能材料等领域。相关成果发表在ISME J, Environ Microbiol, iScience, ACS Synth Biol, Appl Environ Microb, Trends in Microbiol等杂志。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、国家重点研发计划子课题,博士后基金等项目。







1. Xu AM, Wang D, Wang YH, Zhang L, Xie ZS, Cui YF, Bhamse P, Yu HY, Zhang XX, Li DF, Ma LY*. (2022) Mutations in surface-sensing receptor WspA lock the Wsp signal transduction system into a constitutively active state. Environmental Microbiology 24:1150-1165.

2. Xu AM*, Daniel J. Wozniak*, Zhou J, Jiang Min, Dong WL*. (2022) Toward a unified nomenclature for strains with hyper-biofilm phonotypes. Trends in Microbiology 30(11):1019-1021.

3. Xu AM, Zhang XX, Cao SX, Zhou XL, Yu ZY, Qian XJ, Zhou J*, Dong WL*, Jiang M*. (2022) Transcription-associated fluorescence-activated droplet sorting for di-rhamnolipid hyperproducers. ACS Synthetic Biology 11:1992-2000.

4. Xu AM#, Liu JW#, Cao SX, Xu B, Guo CZ, Yu ZY, Chen XQ, Zhou J*, Jiang M, Dong WL*. (2022) Application of a novel fluorogenic polyurethane analogue probe in polyester-degrading microorganisms screening by microfluidic droplet. Microbial Biotechnology 16, 474-480.

5. Liu SX#, Xu AM#, Xie B, Xin FX, Dong WL, Zhou J*, Jiang M. (2022) Priority changes between the synthesis of biofilm exopolysaccharides and rhamnolipids are mediated by a cyclic di-GMP-specific phosphodiesterase NbdA in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. iScience, 25(12): 105531.

6. Xu AM, Zhang MK, Du WL, Wang D, Ma LY*. (2021) A molecular mechanism for how sigma factor AlgT and transcriptional regulator AmrZ inhibit twitching motility in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Environmental Microbiology 23:572-587.

7. Xu AM, Zhang XX, Wang T, Xin FX, Ma LZ, Zhou J*, Dong WL*, Jiang M. (2021) Rugose small colony variant and its hyper-biofilm in Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Adaption, evolution, and biotechnological potential. Biotechnology Advances 53:107862.

9. Wei Q, Leclercq S, Bhasme P, Xu AM, Zhu B, Zhang YH, Zhang MK, Wang SW, Ma LY*. (2019). Diguanylate cyclases and phosphodiesterases required for basal-Level c-di-GMP in Pseudomonas aeruginosa as revealed by systematic phylogenetic and transcriptomic analyses. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 85:e01194-19.

10. Wang D, Xu AM, Elmerich C, Ma LY*. (2017) Biofilm formation enables free-living nitrogen-fixing rhizobacteria to fix nitrogen under aerobic conditions. ISME Journal 11:1602-1613.